Outreach Ministries
St. Paul's has a long tradition of outreach. Giving of our time, talent, and resources continues to be a vital part of the life and heart of this parish. Projects and fundraising events continue throughout the year with a variety of opportunities for helping those in our community and beyond.
Loaves & Fishes of Union County
Loaves & Fishes is a community-based, totally volunteer outreach program that provides temporary food help for needy families in Union County. For 30 years, Loaves & Fishes has been distributing groceries from St. Paul’s every day but Fridays and Sundays. Volunteers are needed to help with this outreach one Saturday a month from 10:00am - 12:00pm. If you would like to help, please call (704) 960-1486.
For more information, check out the website: www.loavesandfishesofunioncounty.org.
Save Your Plastic Grocery Bags! Loaves & Fishes needs them! Please consider saving your grocery bags and dropping them off in front of the Loaves & Fishes door. Thank you so much for your help!
Outreach Ministries & Resources in Monroe and Union County
American Red Cross, Union County Chapter
608 East Franklin Street
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 283-7402
F: (704) 282-0810
Provides emergency and disaster relief, blood-drive services, and health and safety education and certifications.
The Arc of Union County
1653-C Campus Park Drive
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 261-1550
F: (704) 226-1554
Increasing community opportunities and options available to individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities and their families.
Boy Scouts of America, Central NC Council
P.O. Box 250
Albemarle, NC 28002
P: (704) 982-0141
F: (704) 982-0262
Preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Child Care Resources, Inc.
105-A Cedar Street
Monroe, NC 28110
P: (704) 238-8810
P: (704) 238-8800 (Child Care Search)
F: (704) 238-8811
Improving the quality of early care and education for young children, and a support system for the working family.
Community Health Services of Union County
415-B East Windsor Street
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 296-0909
F: (704) 296-0946
Community-based health and education outreach services for the indigent and under-served.
Council on Aging in Union County
1401 Skyway Drive (Mailing: P.O. Box 185)
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 292-1797
F: (704) 292-1776
Providing information and support services to adults age 60 and older and their families in an effort to help the remain at home maintaining a level of independence and dignity.
Friendship Home, Inc.
2111 Stafford Street Extension
Monroe, NC 28110
P: (704) 289-4144
F: (704) 292-7742
Residential support services through counseling, participation in AA and work therapy for men recovering from alcohol and substance abuse.
Girl Scouts, Hornets’ Nest Council
7007 Idlewild Road
Charlotte, NC 28212
P: (704) 731-6500
F: (704) 567-0598
Building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
Heart for Monroe
Director: Ginger Walle
2301 Rocky River Road
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (980) 722-7241
Legal Aid of North Carolina
85 Davidson Drive
Concord, NC 28205
P: (704) 283-2172
P: (800) 849-8009 (Toll-free)
F: (704) 786-4149
Providing assistance to low-income individuals and families in civil cases.
Legal Services of Southern Piedmont
1431 Elizabeth Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28204
P: (704) 283-2172 (Union County)
P: (800) 438-1254 (Toll-free)
P: (800) 247-1931 (Spanish)
F: (704) 376-8627 (Fax)
Civil legal assistance to low-income immigrants in west-central North Carolina.
Literacy Council of Union County
105-A East Jefferson Street
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 226-1425
F: (704) 226-1402
Free tutoring services to adults in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English. Services provided by trained volunteers.
Turning Point of Union County
P.O. Box 952
Monroe, NC 28111
P: (704) 283-9150
P: (704) 283-7233 (Crisis Line)
F: (704) 225-8857
Comprehensive, 24-hour-a-day domestic violence shelter and services for women and children.
Union County Community Shelter
311 East Jefferson Street
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 289-5300
F: (704) 296-0948
Providing shelter and nourishment to the homeless and hungry in Union County.
Union County Crisis Assistance Ministry
1333 West Roosevelt Boulevard
Monroe, NC 28110
P: (704) 225-0440
F: (704) 296-0299
Helping individuals and families experiencing short-term financial crises through direct assistance, information, and referrals.
Union County Habitat for Humanity
2520 West Roosevelt Boulevard
(Mailing: P.O. Box 1688)
Monroe, NC 28111
P: (704) 296-9414
F: (704) 296-9774
Tues - Fri: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Working to provide safe, affordable housing for lower-income families through community partnerships, volunteers and recipient “sweat equity” hours in the construction of their new home.
United Family Services
604 Lancaster Avenue
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 226-1352
P: (866) 230-0956 (Foreclosure Assistance)
F: (704) 282-9362
Connecting individuals and families in the community with resources that promote stability, security and self-sufficiency.
Urban League
P.O. Box 34686
Charlotte, NC 28234
P: (704) 373-2256
F: (704) 373-2262
To empower the community to attain financial stability and social justice in a Global Economy through education, training, and placement.
3223 Walkup Avenue
Box CC
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 283-7733
F: (704) 225-9953
500 South Johnson Street
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 282-5765
Education and support services to women, children, and their families through education and life enrichment programs.
P: (866) 744-7778 (Toll-free)
United Way’s 24/7 information referral service. Resources throughout the region.
Operation Reachout
1308 Miller Street
Monroe, NC 28112
Providing assistance with food and utilities.
The Closet Ministry at South Church – Southbrook Ministry Center
104 S Hayne Street
Monroe, NC 28112
P: (704) 814-7372 ext 132
Providing assistance with clothes and other items.
Union County Department of Social Services
1212 West Roosevelt Boulevard
Monroe, NC 28110
M, W, Th, F: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tu: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Union County Health Department
1224 West Roosevelt Boulevard
Monroe, NC 28110
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm